Monday, 16 December 2013

stencil thinger

For my stencil I picked an eagle, as I was drawing my outline out I looked closely at the detail in the bird and merge them into shapes. 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

PPT questions

Morrisseau's style: very spiritual, abstract, colourful, "an xray anatomy with spirit power lines." 
what made Morrisseau's so special? he was the first person in Canada and the US to paint the images and legends of the Easter Woodlands people. He took a risk to do what he thought was right.He shared the story of his ancestors through his art.
What struggles did he face? At one point his people were disappointed in him for sharing their sacred stories with the world. But he did what he thought was right. He struggled with his inner conflicts about revealing Ojibwa culture to the white man, and he drank heavily.
What did he do for Canadian art? He had inspired artists throughout canada and the rest of North America by breaking the taboo and creating a new visual vocabulary. Ahis symbolism became a trade mark. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Gingerbread Catherdral

Pointed arches:  
Rose window: life savours
Flying buttresses: kit Kats 
Stainglass windows: life savours 
Tympanum: icing 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

life drawing.

Took my first life drawing course on Tuesday. Felt really good about getting out of my comfort zone ,  can't wait I go back next week. 

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Lake Superior

Experimenting with group of seven painiting techniques 

 lake Superior